Fucking The World Open
Musings on the Dark Masculine, By Sarah Louise:
The healthy dark masculine is energy that can and will break another’s sovereign free will if it means saving/protecting - It says “not on my watch” will x,y,z happen for the greater good of all. It’s the primal energy of the hunter that kills to defend/protect. It ravishes. It owns, speaks and goes after its desires directly, unashamedly, while respecting ‘no’ but also not allowing ‘no’ to shut him or his desires down. It’s the energy that sets us free. It’s the energy that doesn’t give a shit about what others think. it speaks directly to the essence of what is true even if it triggers another - in fact especially if it triggers another because it is here to awaken, penetrate through all the bullshit in the world and in people with his dark arrows of conscious love.
Dark masculine is the most feared energy on the planet because it’s the most suppressed and largely in shadow/unhealthy/unconscious and in this expression has been controlling and abusing, raping and pillaging the planet and our resources. It’s also the energy most needed now to integrate and be brought to light, to its healthy expression in love, because it’s actually the most protective energy on the planet.
I see many men who are fearful of dark masculine and expressing any of the shadow side of dark masculine, desperate to not be seen as sexual predators with distorted, leaky, icky, destructive, selfish energy, or to be associated with the violence, dominance and control of many men currently destroying the planet, and this complete disowning and rejection sends them too far to the other side of the spectrum into unhealthy ‘light’ masculine:
The ‘nice’ guy, who has to ‘prove’ his worthiness to not get rejected and abandoned, whose giving and apparent generosity is actually an unconscious transaction hoping if he gives or does ‘this or that’ he’ll get what he really wants (that he can’t ask for directly) and then sulks, tantrums and shuts down when he doesn’t get it. He feels pressure to ‘perform’ or ‘be’ a certain way to receive love and intimacy, he will lie about or suppress natural desires so women don’t think he ‘Just wants one thing’, and in that a women can’t feel his full authenticity and integrity. He thinks he’s being the ‘safe’ guy, but he’s not safe, he’s hiding and runs when he fears exposure and being called out because his ego is SO identified with being ‘one of the good guys’. He’s confused and feels great shame because he is always making part of him ‘wrong’ and keeping it under wraps, pushing it further into shadow.
Men want to penetrate and feel the full force of their ‘fuck’ power, their ‘lover’ power. A man who denies this to be true in his core is a dangerous man because it’s the essence of how life force wants to give, connect and move through him. If there is avoidance/fear of embodying dark masculine there is always aspects of unhealthy light masculine.
And then in all this, being the ‘nice guy’ he shuts down his life-force, he castrates his own balls and potency, shutting sexuality down and becoming impotent (not just sexually but with his purpose his expression, his blueprint for being in the world) or he becomes addicted to his ejaculation/porn/unconscious release in secret- but never feels truly satiated (or he allows a women to do the castrating for him, example: telling him not to look or breathe in the radiance of another feminine to protect her own insecurities and fear of abandonment).
A lot of these ‘nice/good guys’ tell me they only want to give all the time as that’s most pleasurable for them... The dark masculine can and does take for his own pleasure, there is healthy taking in consent! Why do you think a shitty written novel called 50 shades of grey was a HUGE success and then record breaking $81.7 million dollar movie?? ...Because women of all ages all over the world long and yearn to surrender into their innate feminine essence, to be vulnerable, receptive, surrender, to be ravished! The movie speaks to this archetype and largely unmet desire. A man fears he gets too ‘ravishy’ in his animal and a women will call ‘rape’ #metoo. It’s sad and unfulfilled needs ensue on all sides (some men who have no space for being in their healthy animal are tuning in to ever more aggressive types of porn probably completely unconscious to, and feeling guilty/shame to why they even enjoy it.)
A man taking for his pleasure (in consent) when connected to his heart is HOT and women are starved of this because many men taking are not doing so connected with their cock AND their heart, and many women are stuck in their victim story about the ways in which unhealthy masculine has shown up so she plays unconscious games and manipulations to keep him ‘safe’ for her (which is of course least safe keeping them both hooked in unconscious agreements and relating from wounds that keep the wounds alive and co-dependent)- which on a side note keeps women in a perpetual state of their own unhealthy masculine control and dominance wishing and nagging her man was more ‘this or that’ and shutting him down sexually, emasculating him, or mothering him, instead of bringing forth her openness, her receptivity, her juice, her trust and surrender to his direction and desires and penetrative potency which she (and he!) actually at deepest core level yearn and crave for because a conscious cock (his positive polarity) will crack open a women’s positive polarity *her heart* and have them merge in divine union; our souls ultimate seeking and desire is for this blissful ecstatic state of mergence with source. And not just in Sex but to be in the current of our full creative life-force flowing through and forth from within us into all aspects of our world, to be ‘at one with’, making love with all of life. fucking the world open!
A woman needs to feel a man's full integrity, presence and trust the expression of his purpose and direction in the world for her to surrender in this way.
So I’m not saying start taking and ‘voila’ you’ll integrate dark masculine, no. There is of course many elements to awaken to enjoy a whole smorgasbord of flavours in sexual relating and life. And for a whole other topic men (and women) can also not fully integrate healthy dark masculine without integrating healthy feminine and capacity for deep feeling, attunement and sensitivity (which of course there is also both light and dark components to her that need to come out of the shadows to return to wholeness).
This is far from complete - but a taste 😋
These concepts and more can also be explored and more deeply embodied through my one on one work and sessions.
With love
Sarah Louise🌹