Sacred Sexuality Sanctuary
I am so happy more women are being called to sexual healing & life force awakening practices
"Women whose Heart and Yoni have opened completely have the power to change the face of the earth. And the first step towards this absolute embodiment is to cleanse the Womb and Yoni from the energetic residue of conditioning and emotions left in it by the outer world and her sexual experiences. A Yoni is regarded as the very source from which the universe emerges; it nurtures exsistence and dissolves matter and form back into the universal blackness." ~ Peruquois

Sacred Yoni Healing & Massage :
Clear the body of unexpressed emotions, fears & habits * Unleash your true feminine power & potency * Move beyond the mind * Activate full ecstatic awakenings * Deepen intimacy, connection & relating * Come into sovereignty in your sexuality * Become present, alive & fully conscious in your body * Explore your curiosity * Experience new kinds of orgasm & orgasmic states * Be seen, heard & felt *Boost health and vitality!
Trust ~ Surrender ~ Receive
* Is your sexuality a healthy integrated part of you?
* Can you talk easily about sex, your sexual desires & your sexual healing needs?
* Are you able to know & communicate your boundaries?
* Are you able to stay present & connected during sexual experiences without dissociating or mentally checking out?
* Do you want to gain freedom in your body, to move, make noise & express yourself fully?
* Is shame, embarrassment & judgment of your body, genitals or breasts effecting your sex life & confidence?
* Do you want to experience how coming into your body & generating sexual energy can improve every aspect of your life?
There are many reasons for seeking out Sacred Sexual Healing sessions and bodywork, and all of them are valid and respected. You will feel immediately safe in Sarah's warm, open presence to discuss what's right for you. Confidentiality is assured.

Sacred sexuality has always been practiced with the intent of transforming sexual energy into a higher, spiritualised, personal experience of oneness, or union with divinity

Sarah Louise is a nurturing, intuitive, Sacred Sexual Healing Practitioner & Therapeutic Coach. She brings integrity, magic, presence and heart to all her clients and sessions.
She holds the safest and most powerful space for women to reconnect with the power and wisdom of their life-force energy through profoundly transformative embodiment sessions.

Body Strong ~ Heart Open ~ Mind Clear ~ Spirit Free
Sexual energy is life-force energy and the key to a woman embodying her full potential and prosperity whilst living life in alignment with her highest expression of self. The deeper a woman delves into her emotional blocks and pain body to release and integrate the greater capacity she will have to cultivate and sustain her sexual energy. When we re-integrate mental, emotional, energetic and physical bodies simultaneously we come to know greater aspect of ourselves and express this freely in the world becoming more available to ourselves, others and all of life. From this place we live from a place of expansion, receptivity, purpose and pleasure while consciously creating the life, connection and intimacy in relationships we truly value and desire.
Many women have a deep inner 'knowing' that there is so much more. More to sex, more to pleasure, more to her sexual energy than she has been accessing. Generally speaking, for many women it is this very reason she consciously or unconsciously shuts her sexual energy and desires down, frequently experiencing the act of sex as a depletion rather than the supportive, nourishing, vital energy source it is, and then her life-force is blocked from feeling fully alive in the rest of her world. It is imperative women give themselves the permission to reclaim their sensual selves, to heal, to learn their own pleasure map and empower themselves and their partners with the tools and information to guide their sex and self-pleasuring practices.
These sessions are held with the deepest reverence and safety, every woman is fully guided, supported and held exactly where she is to meet her individual needs and desired outcomes. Everything a woman journeys through in her sessions is directly transferable to her everyday life, she can experience transformation in:
Self-love * Body confidence * Increased sexual desire * Clear communication and speaking her truth * Recognising and asserting her boundaries * Being seen and felt * Expressing herself authentically * Saying NO and asking for what she needs * Letting go of control * Surrendering * Trusting * Opening herself to receive, manifest and create * Becoming present, alive and conscious in her body * Living congruently from her heart * Getting her needs met * Connecting more deeply with the masculine and feminine within * Deepening connection, intimacy and relating (with lovers, friends, family and colleagues) * Courage * And of course increased awareness for more body sensations and awakening to her full capacity for ecstatic pleasure!

"We are living in a culture that limits people's ability to talk comfortably about sex, celebrate their sexuality and effectively pursue their erotic potential. This leaves us with a choice, we can either let this constrain us or proactively adopt more sex positive values and practices." ~Sherri Winston
Let's set up a phone call to connect, I can share more about the work with you and we can feel into what sessions are most suited to you.
With Love, Sarah Louise
Remember Your Sacredness ~ Sacred Sexuality Rituals 2.5hrs $333
These sessions are about dropping out of your head and deeply into the magic and wisdom of your body. Sessions include meditation, Tantric breathing and sounding, full body massage and sensory experiences to activate and awaken your capacity to feel pleasure and orgasmic energy throughout your entire body. Yoni massage. Crystal and sound healing integration.
While these sessions are also about active receiving, there is not the strong emphasis on two way communication to integrate trauma as the 3hr session involve, however it is common for women to release and express many emotions in these sessions as well as experience ecstatic bliss, all of your experiences are absolutely perfect and welcome, if I intuitively feel an integration process is necessary that will be included with your consent.
These sessions can also be used to explore different types of orgasms and learn your unique pleasure map.
Multidimensional ~ Therapeutic Sacred Sexuality Sessions. 3hrs $399
Sarah combines powerful coaching, education, inner child work, Yoni massage, internal Yoni re-sensitization practice, energetic and sound healing processes which enable women to delve deeply into a matrix of body, mind, heart and spirit to free her emotions and memories from places of fear, shame, guilt, judgement and suppression. These sessions are extremely effective for releasing any trauma being held in the bodies muscle memory, clearing unconscious blocks, patterns and limiting beliefs accumulated from this life, past life and past down generationally through parents and ancestors.
These sessions are DEEP, generally bringing up a lot of emotional energy ready for release. There is strong guidance and an emphasis on being actively involved in these sessions to drop you into places of contractions held in the body for integration and powerful transformation of your whole reality.
These sessions experientially explore the dichotomy of pain and pleasure - delving deeply into emotional pain and blocks to release for the purpose of creating space in your whole being to live in alignment with your heart, passion, pleasure and purpose in a sustainable way. Integration support is continued after and/or between your session/s.